Shay Legacy Foundation
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The Shay family of Dansville, NY – Harold A. “Tim” Shay, and his sons Timothy and Jon – were well known in the New York trucking industry for their businesses and for their decades of involvement with the Trucking Association of New York (TANY). The death of Jon, the last surviving member of the trio, in January 2021 marked the end of an era for the association. Keep up with the latest information on Shay Legacy Foundation trainings, events, and other opportunities to help you further your career in the trucking industry.
The Shays’ trucking history dates all the way back to the 1920s, when Harold and his father, Lloyd, hauled crops and livestock for local farmers. In 1936, the pair founded Shay’s Service Trucking Co. in Danville, NY, a local and short-haul motor freight carrier that eventually expanded to offer truck maintenance and repair. In 1972, Tim opened Main Tire Exchange, a truck tire retreading business.
He was a pioneer in the transportation industry, introducing the use of two-way radios and double-bottom trailers.
Timothy and Jon grew up in trucking and remained involved in their father’s trucking businesses. Although running these businesses demanded much of their energy, Harold, Tim, and Jon always made time to give back to the trucking industry. One of Tim Shay’s biggest contributions to trucking was his founding role in the New York Motor Truck Association (now the Trucking Association of New York - TANY). He served as the American Trucking Association’s vice chair, and as a member of ATA’s regulatory policy commission and of a special committee on ERISA. Tim also received the Founders Award from the American Truck Historical Society.
Tim’s sons followed in their father’s footsteps at TANY. Timothy served as president of the association from 1982 to 1984, and Jon from 1990 to 1992. Throughout their careers, the Shays remained aware of the problems and concerns to the trucking industry and looked for practical ways to address them. Over the last 10 to 15 years, as the shortage of trained technicians and drivers became more acute, they worked with local schools and colleges to encourage more young people to seek skilled careers in trucking.
Through the Shay Legacy Foundation, TANY hopes to carry on the family’s tradition of making a difference. We find constant inspiration in the contribution of the titans of this industry that came before us. And in their honor, we continue to push forward and improve New York’s trucking industry and the careers and lives of those within it!
Offering scholarships, mentorship programs, and many other learning opportunities through our foundation, we aim to build a generation of educated and skilled trucking industry members.
If you are interested in furthering your career in this field, be sure to explore the programs, events, and tools available to you through our website! And feel free to contact our team with any questions you may have! We look forward to hearing from you!
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